Effects of Socio-demographic Factors on Regimen Adherence among Tuberculosis Patients in Kisumu Region, Kenya
Efforts to diagnose TB and patients on treatment have been very successful as per WHO targets for Kenya. However, there are still poor treatment outcomes in a significant number of the patients. These poor treatment outcomes have been significantly linked to poor adherence to TB treatment.
This was a cross sectional descriptive study that was conducted in Kisumu East District to establish the effects of socio-demographic factors on regimen adherence among tuberculosis patients aged above 18 years attending TB clinics in Kisumu region, in Western Kenya. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and bivariate analysis and binary logistic regression. P values, Adjusted Odds Ratios with 95% confidence interval (CI) were used to demonstrate significance and strength of association between the socio-demographic factors and adherence. Significance was assumed at P value ≤0.05.
Residence; (OR:21.8; 95% CI:5.4-87.5 ;P<0.001), number of family members(OR:5.7; 95% CI:1.7-19.1 ;P=0.005) and sex of the patient (OR:0.2; 95% CI: 0.0-0.9 ;P<0.036) were the significant socio-demographic aspects that predicted adherence.
Therefore some socio-demographic aspects of TB patients key predictors of adherence. These aspects can serve as a guide for flagging some patient as having potential for non-adherence thus appropriate follow-up measures instituted in time. It is important to establish the effects of socio-demographic aspects on adherence in every TB care setting for appropriate follow-up.
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